Auto Repair and Maintenance in New Haven, Vermont

Auto Haven is the choice auto repair and service location for your vehicle in the New Haven, Vermont area. We serve car and truck owners in nearby areas such as Middlebury and Vergennes in need of immediate repair service. Our team of mechanics offer bumper to bumper services, from maintenance such as oil changes and tires, to major repairs concerning your engine or transmission. Bring in your car today for service, or call us to schedule an appointment.

Come to us to get for tire replacement, repair, or seasonal changeover. We have all major tire brands available to replace worn, old, or damaged tires. Call us today to schedule a tire service.

At Auto Haven, we offer both regular and synthetic motor oil for the specific needs of your vehicle. When you come to us for an oil change, we will complete a 19-point safety inspection to check the other necessary components of your vehicle.

Come to us if you are having issues or concerns with your vehicles brake system. We will complete an inspection of your brakes if you notice problems such as noisy or pulsating brakes. We offer comprehensive brake services that include new rotors, resurfacing, or complete replacement. 

The crew at Auto Haven can diagnose electrical issues, which may include your battery, alternator, lights, wiring, and other issues on your car. Bring your car in if you notice your check engine light on, issues with your lights or dashboard, or any other electrical concern.

Our team can diagnose, and repair issues concerning your transmission or engine. If you are noticing issues with your vehicles drivability or power, we can handle the repair. Our services include replacing key components such as gaskets, valves, and seals, or replacing your engine or transmission entirely.

Contact Auto Haven For Repairs or Maintenance to Your Vehicle

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